Own your first
cryptocurrency on


Buy and sell

Buy and sell cryptocurrency for as little as 500 JPY 24/7.

Transfer & Deposit
funds instantly

If you have the address, you can send cryptocurrencies to anywhere in the world, instantly. You can also display your QR code to receive coins immediately.


Use our Trade View
for professional
quality trading

Use the UVKXE Trade View in the browser to trade Bitcoin with no transaction fees.

Use Trade View

Block trades at
favorable rates* available for
large transactions

During applicable weekday hours, use block trades to make large transactions at premium prices.*There may be times when prices are comparable to the regular marketplace

Learn more

Trade safely and securely


Cold Wallet

Customer assets are secured offline, providing top level security.


System security

We've confirmed the security and efficiency of our systems with multiple information security firms from around the world.


Two-Factor Authentication

UVKXE requires users to perform Two-Factor Authentication during login, helping you protect your account from malicious third parties with both a password and your phone.

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